Mario checked the tire pressure. It was the day of the big race, and he had to give an extensive check to his go-kart, Clifford, before hitting Luigi's Raceway.

"I hope you're ready for one final rubdown," Mario said affectionately to Clifford. "Cuz you'sa gots to win me this race. It's up to you, Clifford."

Mario sidled back lovingly behind Clifford and slipped the dipstick out of Clifford's warm engine. He caressed it with an already filthy oilrag and then gingerly replaced it in its slot, sighing with a smile as it slid into the warm opening. He ran his finger in a lazy circle around the raised orifice before slowly pulling it out one more time so he could get an accurate reading of Clifford's oil level. Satisfied with the results, he closed his eyes and slowly ran his tongue down the dipstick, moaning quietly as he savored Clifford's juices. A drop of oil fell from the plumber's tongue and fell onto the crotch of his overalls, the sooty blackness of the oil mixing with the yellow-brown sweat-stains of his crusted, unwashed clothing.

"Well, would you look at that. I seem to have gotten your oil on my pants. That won't do at all," Mario whispered gently as he slid the loops of his overalls down his arms. "I'll just have to slip into something less... wet." He rested his arms at his sides, and his red overalls hushed quietly to the ground, revealing his monstrous, horribly disfigured member.

Mario grabbed the base of his shaft and pulled back the boatsail-like foreskin, causing smegma to rain down in frothy chunks and land on the grease-stained concrete floor. The rain of filth splattered down in wet slaps, leaving small mounds of cottage-cheese scattered between his untied leather boots. Purple veins pulsed and glistened under sweaty skin, barely visible beneath his great forest of prickly pubic hair. "Are you ready for the candy?" Mario whispered lovingly, as he began to move up and down his shaft with one hand and knead his gargantuan, dangling balls like dough with the other. Mario closed his eyes. "Mama miaaaa..." he whispered to himself as he crushed and twisted his coinpurse. His battle-scarred genitals were now fully erect, and the heavy, softball-sized head of his penis hung at an angle from his bulbous, hose-like shaft, much longer than it was thick, which resembled a crushed car bumper.

Mario took several dozen slow steps backwards, licking his smiling lips as he stared at the wet, ready entrance of the gas tank. "Whoa, hoo-hoo, YA-hoo!" Mario wailed as he triple jumped at Clifford, his colossal member leading the way like a warrior's spear. Mario sailed through the air, the forest-like mountain of hair on his genitals whipping like wheat in a tornado before he slammed into the go-kart's chassis, vomiting violently all over himself and Clifford as his stomach took the full force of the blow. His rotten, engorged phallus drove into the depths of Clifford's gas tank, and he began thrusting furiously, squealing like a piglet over an open flame as he did so. "Oh... oh! Mama-mia!" Mario moaned as he plunged his engorged pleasure-club into the gas tank again and again. Blood and sweat bubbled out around the edges of his penis with each thrust, causing the parasites that made his genitals their home scurry in a desperate attempt to find cover.

"Let's change this up a little," Mario said with a grin as he tried to quickly withdraw his bleeding, battered penis, but the 12-gauge piercing at the tip of his member became caught on the gas tank door. "Ooohhh..." Mario moaned as he placed his feet on either side of the gas tank opening and leaned backwards, the rusted ring running through the head of his penis straining to keep him upright. The door of the gas tank creaked and shuddered as Mario pressed harder. Mario's eyes rolled into the back of his head in pure ecstasy and he pressed still harder, until finally with a wet rip the ring tore free from the head of his cankerous cock, spraying a mixture of blood and semen all over his chest and stomach as he slammed onto the floor.

Mario quickly jumped to his feet and with a running start did a powerslide under Clifford, emerging back at the front of the go-kart where the oil slot still lay open. He spit on the mushroom-like head of his penis and, not wanting to waste a single moment, forcefully jammed it into the warm engine, the flesh of his purple lovemuscle rending and peeling as he resumed his violent thrusting. "Oh! Oh, mama-mia! Here we goooooo!" Mario roared as his body convulsed violently during orgasm, his bio-butter oozing slowly into the depths of the engine. The raw force of the convulsions caused Mario to lose control of his bowels, and at once a week's worth of impacted feces blasted out of his hemorrhoid-infested asshole, popping the infected purple balloons lining his dirtstar and spraying a combination of liquid waste and infected blood all over the floor of the garage.

Utterly exhausted, Mario slumped to the floor in a puddle of his assorted juices, and drifted to sleep.